Thursday, July 1, 2010

Work of Art --Episode 4--Shock Value

The challenge this week was a bit absurd--create a shocking work of art. Art should not intentionally set out to shock, it should just say what it wants to say and if
that shocks anyone, it's a by-product. If you deliberately mean to shock, you get self-conscious work which was the result of many of the submissions. And what was with Peregrine's rabbit-outfit? She should have been eliminated for that alone.

The episode opened with a tour of Simon's gallery and the graphic works of Andres Serrano. I recall his Piss Christ was the object of much hatred and derision when he received an NEA grant. Many conversatives used it as a reason for eliminating the government funding agency altogether. His point was the distortion of religion in the modern world--at least that's the explanation Jamie Lynn, the pretty Christian contestant, and Sister Wendy, the art critic nun, have given. Interesting when you think about what a free society we live in. If he had done such a thing in a Muslim country he would have been the object of a fatwa and been jihaded on the spot.

Erik and Jamie Lynn both identified with Serrano, but their work was hardly shocking. Jamie Lynn's Last Supper looked like a greeting card or a cartoon. Her concept of Christ being beset by trendy sluts and skanks looked so genteel and gentile it wasn't scary. Christ didn't even look like Christ, more like a surfer or Twilight actor. Erik's was too obvious while Mark made the same point much more subtlely with the bare, stark photos of blood stained panties and a burst balloon.

Once again Jaclyn couldn't wait to get her clothes off. I felt pretty dirty watching her second nude photo shoot in a row and I found it exploitative that the prettiest woman was once again baring her breasts. If Nao did something like that it would have been a lot more fascinating and she probably wouldn't have gotten the axe.

Back to Jaclyn--there is nothing wrong with taking an idea from another contestant if they offer a suggestion and nothing wrong with acknowledging it to the judges. From the tapes, it seemed pretty clear that it was Erik's idea to have gallery goers write on Jaclyn's photos. All she had to do was say, "It was Erik's idea." And they would have said, "Great."

Back to Nao--she really didn't have any idea what she was doing. I found it delightful that Serrano actually liked her performance and the other judge looked at him like he was crazy when he said so. Serrano made some good points, if Nao had a clear concept or focus to her piece it could have been very powerful. She could have been a homeless woman, smeared with her own filth and the crude teepee she built could have been her home. But she didn't think it through and it was a confusing mess. John was too timid and his self-gratification painting looked like bad porno from a 1970s Hustler magazine.

Despite the rabbit outfit, I loved Peregrine's anti-fashion statement and China's reaction to seeing her Dior dresses up for satire. Hated her hoop skirt, BTW.

Miles did not have to cum all over his Disney piece it was gross and shocking enough--and well drawn--and he did not have to tell us about pleasuring himself--EWWW! (This had to be the most gratuituously sexual Bravo episode ever.) Abdi's dynamite heads did deserve to win, but they didn't quite look young enough to get the total point across. I see the final three being Miles, Abdi, and maybe Ryan. Will they each have to make a ten-piece show and the judges pick a winner like on Project Runway?

Miles--two wins--death portrait of Nao; sleep sculpture with concrete anuses
Abdi--one win--explosive heads
John (eliminated)--one win--Time Machine book cover

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