Saturday, July 17, 2010

Forget About Jobs Coming Back, Plus ruminations on Kathy Griffin and Joan Rivers

Despite victories on financial reform, capping the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, and the fine for Goldman Sachs, Obama and the Democrats are still trailing in the polls. Just as Dems hated Bush's guts, Repubs can't stand Obama's audacity to try to do something for people--and spending money doing it (even though Bush did the same thing.) It all boils down to--where are the freakin' jobs? The average American is saying "I don't give a crap about gays getting married or in the miltary, oil spills, stocks, bail outs, or any of that shit. Just give me a job so I can watch American Idol in peace."

Unemployment hovers at around 10 percent and it's probably going to stay there for a while. The reason is employers have discovered they like it like this. During the recent economic crisis, thousands if not millions of people were laid off and the companies realized, "Hey there was a lot of waste the ways things were before. Now one person can do the work of three and we only have to pay the one salary and benefit package. Why should we hire back anybody when we can work those remaining like dogs and make bigger profits?"

The repubs will use this in their bid to take back Congress in 2010. Their soul aim is to stop any sort of meanigful legislation, say NO to everything and get back in power. Fortunately Scott Brown and the women from Maine went along with financial reform. Speaking of Scott Brown, I had no problem with Kathy Griffin's joke about his daughters being prostitutes. They are both grown women and Brown set it up with his comment them being available during his acceptance speech. I also find it ironic that all this moral indignation is coming from a former Playgirl model. She's a commedienne, it was a joke. Similarly Joan Rivers was very funny in the new documentary on her life and effectively dealt with a heckler objecting to her making Helen Keller jokes. "I have a deaf son, that's not funny," he yelled. She responded, "I'll have you know I have a deaf mother and I lived with a man for 17 years who lost his leg in World war I and then went back to get it." It was pretty funny that she ad libbed all that. I haven't always found Rivers all that funny, but you have to admire her for perserving through all kinds of setbacks. Not many people of her age (77) are still on top and in the public eye. She also pointed out during her rant to the heckler that we have to be able to laugh at anything--including pompous Scott Brown. I do still like him for having voted the right way on occasion.

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