Monday, April 5, 2010

The Amazing Race 16--Episode 8--Whack Jobs Unite

Freaky alliances were formed this week and top exchanged places with bottom--but enough about Madonna's bedroom habits, this is about the Amazing Race. The detectives have bonded with Team Such As and the results are weirding me out. Michael and Louie actually stated they thought Brent and Caite were good kids and the type of young people you would like to have for a son and daughter. EWWW! I guess the Rhode Island undercover guys would rather have their children pretty than smart, or even above Neanderthal. Actually, now that I think about it Brent isn't even that good looking. So he's ugly, scared of heights, can't speak the king's English, read a map, or drive a shift. The perfect son.

Caite added to the horror by calling their new best buds the Daddy Cops. Double EWW! Soounds like an act for a club for the National Republican Committee to bring new members.

All this was revealed in between hating on the lesbians and saying how much they wanted to beat them. Jeez, I think all Carol said was something about tiaras and they get all batshit. This after Michael and Louie say how respectful Team Such As is. Why aren't those idiots basking in the sun at Elimination Station?

Anyway, this week it was hard to tell how long the rest period was since they didn't reveal the exact amount of time after that shameless promotion for 7-UP. Team no. 1 Steve and Allie opened the first clue at 7:22 PM, but they couldn't have finished the previous leg that early in the morning (7:22 AM). So I'm guessing it's 7:22PM the next day so the father and daughter had enough time to drink all that free 7 Up, but not enough time to hitch a boat back to that turtle farm and pick up their backpacks. Everyone was on the same ferry to the airport at 2 AM, followed by a 21 hour flight via Dubai to Penang, Malaysia, putting us into Day 14 by the time they start the new leg proper.

Jet and Cord soared to the front by being the only ones to choose the flag balancing rather than hauling the giant incense sticks. Since they came in last the previous leg, they had to perform a speed bump. Once again the speed bump involved the supremely difficult task of pouring a cup of tea and serving it to some old guy. I think the poker chicks had to do the same thing in Tokyo. Then everyone had the even harder task of smashing coconuts and building a little arty-crafty float. The cowboys ran a perfect race and became the first the go from last place with a speed bump to first place and winning a romantic trip to Hawaii (I loved Cord's face when Phil said the part about romance.)

I think the tasks this season are way too easy. Any jerk can do them. What happened to repelling face-first down a skyscraper, getting hauled through the mud by an ox, or shaving your head?

Steve and Allie had a run of bad luck while Dan and Jordan slipped in by the skin of their teeth. I hate to say it but they are the most likely team to be out next since they're not too swift--letting their excellent cab driver go--and Team Such As are getting help from their daddies (EWWW! It makes me cringe just to write that.) Plus from the previews, it looks like Team Such As is going to U Turn the lesbians next week. Please, please, don't let Team Such As make it to the final three, please.

Day 12--Leave Seychells at 7:22 PM; ferry to airport at 2 AM

Day 13--21 hour flight from Seychelles to Penang, Malaysia via Dubai

Day 14--Roadblock incense hauling or flag balancing; smash coconuts, build cute little arty-crafty thing, give it to guru in the water, find big mansion

Louie and Michael--three wins, Loot: two Discover Cards worth $5,000 each, two 55-inch HD TVs, trip to Cancun
Jet and Cord--three wins, Loot: two sailboats, trip to Patagonia, trip to Maui
Jeff and Jordan--one win, Loot: trip to Vancouver
Steve and Allie--one win, Loot: $7,000 each, relaxing dinner and massage on the beach and "all the 7-Up they can drink"

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