Monday, February 8, 2010

Palin Appeal

Quote from a Dec, 7, 2009 New Yorker article on Palin: "To an extent unmatched by any recent political figure, she offers the erasure of any distinction--in skill, experience, intellect--between the governing and the governed. As one supporter told Conroy and Walsh (authors of "Sarah from Alaska," a pro-Palin tome), "If she can run a home, she can run the government." Palin agrees: "There's no better training ground for politics than motherhood." Yes, except households don't go to war with other households and settling arguments with the kids over who gets to watch Spongebob is not quite the same as settling the Middle East crisis.

I understand Palin's appeal. She's the mom from next door you might meet at the Walmart. She's just like you. She ain't got no fancy degree (she went to four different colleges in five years!) She writes notes on her hand--some find that endearing. She doesn't remember all the founding fathers or even when the Korean War was. So what! You don't have to be a walking encyclopedia to run the the most powerful nation on earth. All you need is common sense, some lip gloss and a pair of waders.

Everybody lovers her--for different reasons. The left wants to keep her in the spotlight so they can say "This is the best the GOP has to offer? You're kidding, right? Obama wins in a walk." The Tea-baggers (and yes, I will call them tea-baggers despite their sensitive protests to be associated with a sexual practice) love her because she repeats back their slogans and makes 'em feel good and everything. The only ones who don't love her are the moderate Republicans who fear that she will drag down their chances to take back the White House in 2012.

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