Monday, October 12, 2009

The Amazing Race Episode 3: Tragedy at the Monkey Palace

This week's tasks were ridiculously easy and all the drama was supplied by a tragic mishap costing one team to drop from first place all the way to elimination. Zev and Justin, my favorite team, lost Zev's passport and couldn't not find it in time to stay in the race. This is a new rule or one that has never been enforced before, I guess. The only other team to lose their passports were Toni and Dallas, the mother and hot son of two seasons back. They came in last anyway and couldn't even cheer with the other eliminated teams at the finish line because they were stuck in Russia.

After managing to get on the plane from Ho Chi Minh City to Phnom Penh in Cambodia and avoiding a two-hour gap (unfortunately self-proclaimed lion Lance and Kerry also got on the plane) until the next flight, Zev and Justin soared to the top of the pack, easily finding the hotel with the Jackie Kennedy suite, locating a woman with a matching scarf in the Russian Market and then acting like a monkey for a few minutes. Then they discovered the passport was missing and had to find it before the last team checked in. But it was nowhere to be found.

I checked on the Elimination Station video on the CBS website. The guys went to American embassy and someone had turned in Zev's passport. They had dropped it in the dark when they went into the wrong temple (not shown on the episode).

Oh well, I will miss them and really wanted to see them whip Lance and Kerry's annoying collective ass. It will just be up to the gay brothers Sam and Dan to do so. BTW, since those two came in second, that means they won the leg but we never found out what prize they won.

Other main thought on this episode: Amazing how many of the contestants had no idea that was Jackie Kennedy Onnassis in the photograph.

Day 5--Leave Ho Chi Minh City at 6:53, arrive airport, discover first flight to Phnom Penh is not till 12:20PM the next day. Overnight at the airport.

Day 6--Zev/Justin and Lance/Kerry make it onto first flight. Fly to Phnom Penh, search for hotel, scarf or motorcycle helmet challenge, monkey palace, Zev and Justin finish first, but lose passport. Annoying poker chicks saved by their mistake. Zev and Justin eliminated. Sam and Dan win by default, but we never find out what their prize is.

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