Wednesday, December 2, 2009

No Gay Marriage in NY Thanks to Hiram the Hypocrite

(Pictured: A loving couple unable to be married)Today I went from elation to depression. The day started with the news the NY State Senate would debate and vote on Governor Patterson's gay marriage bill. There was talk it might actually pass. I watched live streaming of the debate and only heard those in favor deliver passionate and moving arguments. I had to go into a meeting and when I emerged I heard the measure was defeated. To make matters worse, my state senator voted no. Guess who he is? Hiram Monseratte, the shining example of healthy heterosexual relationships who slashed his girlfriend Karla Giraldo and was almost jailed for it. The only reason he got off was because the stupid woman refused to testify against him and claimed it was accident. Not coincidentally, he agreed to marry her. Her silence or rather compliance was bought for a ring on her finger--excellent way to help stabilize the institution of marriage.

I called Monseratte's office in Albany and unloaded on an innocent office aide. "I know you only work there and have no influence on the senator, but I'm going to say this anyway. Who the hell is he with his personal history to pass judgement on anyone else's relationship? Slashing your girlfriend's face is not going to bolster the sagging sacred institute of marriage." The worker thanked me for not getting mad at him personally and said he would tell Monseratte my feelings. I also said I would remember this vote at election time.

Obviously the popular vote against us in Maine and California has moderate Democrats scared and Republicans emboldened. Do they really think they would be voted out if they favored gay marriage? But I am confident time is on my side. Younger people are fine with gay marriage. The day will come when our great-great grandchildren will say to each other "Can you believe those bigoted old pigs, voting to deny marriage equality?" Just as we now say to each other "I can't believe people used to actually believe slavery was perfectly okay."

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