Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Why Are Republicans Eating Each Other Alive?

I hate to admit it but the GOP is in a fairly good position for 2010. There is growing dissatisfaction with Obama because he doesn't seem to be able to clean up the enormous pile of shit left behind by the previous administration with a wave of his magic wand. The economy hasn't been fixed and it's been almost a whole year. C'mon already, what are you waiting for, the impatient babies of the nation are whining. So the Repubs can take advantage of that by seizing the volatile independents in the middle who have no political convictions, they just want their meals on the table, cheap tickets to NASCAR and for their asses not to bet blown up.

But the party of Lincoln and Teddy Roosevelt seems to shooting itself in the collective foot--or rather the right foot is stomping on the left. But skewing to the extreme right with these tea bag nut jobs, they risk losing the center. You win elections by kissing up to the middle. Just ask Barack and Bill and both Bushes. Even Ronnie knew enough not get too Archie Bunker-ish.

The tea parties will definitely help them in the south, but it will kill them up north. Ironic isn't it since tea parties started in Boston.

So I am kinda worried about the midterms, but I still feel OK for 2012. How have they got to challenge Obama? Palin is a joke but a dangerous one that some take seriousky. Huckabee is even-tempered and presents a pleasant front, but is too religious. Romney is an insincere stiff and the evangelics think he's a heretic because he's a Mormon. Maybe someone will emerge we haven't even thought of yet. But Obama's saving grace may be that independents will think he's not so bad when you compare him to the crop of losers on the other side.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, David.

    I agree the Reps are effective with their propaganda, and the Bush-Cheney administration led us to near economic, environmental and psychic ruin which I doubt any other politician can lift us from...only an educated, activist citizenry can do that...

    but let's not let the Democrats off the hook. Congress aided and abetted the Bushites in warmongering, spying at home, and refusing to push regulation of Wall Street and banks, as well as regs and taxes for a $600 TRILLION derivatives industry. I won't even get into health care and wanting to cut billions from Medicare while continuing illegal invasions overseas.

    But I'm glad you're voicing your opinion on this. I'm concerned, but not surprised, that I had your link to this column on my Facebook home page, but it disappeared from there; and that I see some folks complain that anyone would want to bring up political issues, which affect their and their offsprings' lives, on Facebook rather than nip on about their plaid shoestrings.

    Roger Armbrust
