Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Carrie Prejean and Levi Johnston--Exploiters or Exploited?--with a Wink to Adam Lambert

In the ongoing political media circus where the competing rings are entertanment and politics--and the two sometimes spill over--two figures have recently emerged who are attempting to stretch out their allotted 15 minutes. Both are prostitutes to a certain degree in that they are trading on their seuxal appeal in exchange for notreiety and money, but one is a hypocrite about it and the other is not.

If you haven't guessed which is which, Carrie Prejean is the hypocrite and Levi Johnston is the honest whore. Prejean has been riding her high moral horse onto the sets of Today, Larry King, The View, etc. while Johnston makes no bones about flashing his youthful physique for cash. Both of these brain trusts were thrust into the spotlight as a result of the confused sexual politics of America 2009. Prejean gave a confused politically incorrect answer to an inappropriate question asked by an idiotic gossip columnist at a beauty pageant. Johnston had the good or bad luck--depending on how you look at it--of not using contraception with the daughter of a symbol of traditional marriage (meaning you're supposed to be a virign when you waltz down the aisle).

Now don't get me wrong. Prejean has every right to express her opinions on gay marriage, just like Jefferson Davis had every right to say he supported slavery. But who cares what a beauty contestant thinks about hot political topics? What have civil rights got to do with your ability to fill out a bathing suit and sashay around in a tacky evening gown? The wrinkle here is she claims she's standing up for family values and was smacked down for it by the liberal media. HA! It turns out this skank has eight---count 'em eight--solo sex tapes floating around. Plus countless topless photos. So it's not like she made one little mistake. And the evidence seems to indicate she knowingly exploited herself, no big bad pornographer forced her to make these tapes or pictures. So who is she to look down on anyone for their sexuality? This paragon of het marriage would deny us gays social sanction for our unions while she's been selling videos of her body.

Johnston is just trying to take advantage of his sudden fame. His mom has been arrested for dealing drugs. He hasn't got a job--I don't think. So why not. His ex-future mother-in-law was exploiting him by using him as a prop at the Republican National Convention (Look at my nice normal family, we're just like the Brady Bunch, family trumps experience every time, America), so why shouldn't he do some exploiting of his own?
And speaking of sexual hypocrisy what is all this indignation over Adam Lambert on the AMAs? What about Justin Timberlake ripping off Janet Jackson's top at the Superbowl? I notice nobody got upset with him over that. What responsible parent is going to let their kid up that late anyway? I can see the simulated oral sex upsetting some people, but it was really the male kiss that pissed everybody off. They couldn't even get away with guys tonguing each other on Will and Grace. There has been more man kissing on Brothers and Sisters in the past season, but America still has a problem with open expression of gay male love. Women doing it don't seem to bother them that much. I think there was not as much of a ruckus when Madonna kissed that other female pop star because they knew it was just for a laugh and not real. Maybe Adam and Carrie should have a debate.

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