Thursday, July 30, 2009

Racial Healing Through Bud Lite? and Other Observations

With the beer summit over and everyone enjoying their teachable moment, questions still remain about what really happened at Prof. Gates' home and why he was arrested in it. Officer Crowley stated there were no apologies from either side during the conversation but the meeting was cordial and constructive. Gates issued a statement thanking God for freedom of speech and for police to protect us. What I want to know is why Gates was arrested once he had established his identity. The charge was disorderly conduct. But what does that mean? Was he causing a danger to anyone or interfering with Crowley's duties? Isn't it a police officer's job to keep a cool head and not arrest someone just for answering back?

It may have been that Gates was arrogant and a little heated, but was he a threat? Crowley may have following procedure, but isn't it at the police officer's discretion to arrest someone and shouldn't he as a professional show restraint?

What a shame that all people falsely arrested can have the President settle the matter with a few brews at the White House.

Other recent observations: Glenn Beck is a lunatic. Surprise! "The president is a racist...but I'm not saying he doesn't like white people."

Lou Dobbs called Rachel Maddow a "teabagging queen." Huh? Does he even know what that means? If he means the political kind of teabagging, she would be the exact opposite since she's a liberal and has a working brain. If he means the sexual kind, it doesn't work because she a lesbian. So Dobbs has exposed himself as utterly clueless.

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