Friday, July 17, 2009

Peggy Noonan, Let 'em Eat Aspirin!

Sometimes I have to bang my ear and say "Did that nutbag really say that?" This morning on Morning Joe, former Reagan speech writer and Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan actually stated "When I was growing up, people weren't obsessed with health care. What happened in this country?" And just when I was starting to like her because she called Sarah Palin an unqualified lightweight.
What happened in this country, Peggy, is that costs for drugs and hospitals and operations skyrocketed since you were a kid back in the 1850s when the simple country doc would pull up in his wagon and take his pay in firewood (Actually that was how my grandparents paid the doctor for the birth of my uncle. They were so far up in Maine, he had to be born in Canada.) Didn't you make your debut at the Grover Cleveland inaugural?
People who aren't millionaires or white-glove, country-club Republicans like you, Peggy, are scared to death that if they get sick or have a catastrophic illness they could go bankrupt, even if they have insurance. Didn't you see Sicko? What also surprised me is that none of the other talking heads pointed this out to her, not even Pulitzer Prize winner Eugene Robinson. They just blathered on about how medical science has advanced so much since Peggy's girlhood during the War Between the States.

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