Monday, September 27, 2010

The Amazing Race 17--Season Premiere--Too Many Blondes

There are just too many blondes on this season of The Amazing Race. In addition to the obvious blonde beach volleyball players (zoom in on the cleavage as she zooms in for the ball), there's the blonde doctor, the blonde home-shopping host, the blonde Miss Kentucky, and two of the girlfriends in the heterosexual couples are blonde. That's seven blondes--and they all look alike. I can't tell them apart. What is going on? Did CBS send out a memo to the producers reading "We're losing the young straight males, make sure you hire plenty of bimbos next season." (It's just a joke, so no letters please. But do comment if you're offended, blondes. I have a total of 152 posts and maybe 7 comments.)

Anyway, stupid football ran long again so I had to record Undercover Boss. It's too early to pick favorites, but I love the nerdy glee team. Jonathan is so adorable and I feel I could invite them and the two African-American guys from the cast of the Wiz over for a Golden Girls and Designing Women marathon, if you catch my drift. I like the Tattooed Couple too because they admit they're stupid and may look bad ass but are totally humble. Chad and Stephanie think they're badass but got totally humbled when they allowed the nerds to beat them in the turtleshell boat challenge and then dropped three places in the race to the pit stop when they got lameass lost.

Overall, this was an exciting beginning with lots of challenges and an unexpected twist with the Express Pass-but if they explained it one more time I would have screamed (at the same volume as if they had had said "Throw him under the bus" on Project Runway one more time.) There are too many similar teams with no enough variations. They're all too young and perky--the dads are the only older people and they're probably my age or younger (early 50s). It looks like they're going to new locations. They have been to London before, but not Stonehenge and next week it's off to Ghana. So they are not staying in safe, comfortable Europe, but heading straight into the third world right away and giving everyone cultural shock in the second episode. PLus, it's a loong flight from London to Accra, the Ghanese capital, so it looks like they are making good on their promise to make this one of the most grueling races ever.

Day 1--Gloucester, Mass to Logan airport in Boston

Day 2--Arrive London, drive to Stonehenge, then Castle in Tewksbury

Winners--Jill and Thomas--bland white het couple,loot: Express Pass.

1 comment:

  1. There are WAY too many blondes EVERYWHERE! It is pretty psycho the amount of blondes on every channel and every movie! This has been going on in the last 12 years! This is not only BORING, but it sends some sort of strange Hitler like messege. What is up with this BLONDE thing. There use to be more diversity of attractiveness and now, eff it. No matter what channel one switches to , it is as if it is a virus. Is this to appease the Southern audience for advertisements? They are on EVERY SINGLE commercial , talk show, whatever!!!! It is really very neurotic. And hey, if my messege is pretty neurotic, maybe it is because of too DAMNED many BLONDES. YUCCCCKKKKKKK! Get real. Thank you David! Finally, some one has the cahones (sp) to finally say it! Thank You!!
